Only recently had the
trees been felled, leaving a mosaic of sandy soil, mossy grass, patches of dark
heather and tangles of twigs and branches. From the main road this seemingly
barren landscape sloped up to the tall dark green conifer trees that surrounded
the patch on three sides. While it may seem an extreme change this is the cycle
of this forest where trees are planted and felled on a rotation. Add to that
the process of returning areas to more natural grassland heath and more of such
open areas can be found amongst the blocks of trees. For 100 years ago this
landscape was totally different. The entire area was open with grass and
heather heaths, open sandy areas, low intensity arable farming and abandoned
fields. Rabbits in particular were farmed in large enclosed warrens. Following the
First World War the Forestry Commission began the process of afforestation,
planting hundreds of hectares of Scots and then Corsican pine to provide a
reserve of timber for a country whose trees had been as ravaged by the demands
of war as its people. Today the whole of Thetford Forest is a patchwork of pine plantations, broadleaved trees and heath land,
and is managed not only for timber, but for recreation and wildlife.
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Woodlark carrying food for its chicks |
Such barren looking
patches of clear fell and grassy heath provide important habitat for a number
of scarce breeding birds, including the woodlark. The tufts of short grass,
close proximity to bare soil and good high posts for singing, are all perfect
for woodlarks to set up home during the summer.
Knowing an area is good
for breeding woodlark, seeing a pair there with the male’s sweet song of
melancholy notes which includes a lu-lu-lu, giving the bird part of its
scientific name Lullula arborea, is
one thing. Finding its nest is a whole different ball game, one of patience and
knowledge. Even knowing there is a nest within a few square feet in front of
you, it is still hard to see, such is the excellent cryptic nature of nest and
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A beautiful woodlark nest |
But there nestled amongst
the grassy stems is a tightly weaved nest, in which four greyish brown chicks are squeezed in. What a privilege to be allowed to approach and view such a nest,
which is done under strict licence. Monitoring of this species has never been
more important. Since the early 1980s the range and population of woodlark in
the UK has actually increased following a severe decline,
but it is still comparatively rare and its breeding range restricted. Forestry
plantations form a key part of this increase, but interestingly in the Forestry
areas of Norfolk and Suffolk numbers of woodlark are in decline. Understanding
more about the movements, breeding success and habitat use of birds in such
areas is contributing to maintaining and increasing woodlark numbers by feeding
into management plans for the forest. To that end this, and other nests are
being monitored from egg laying to fledging, and the chicks are being colour
ringed to look at movements of birds and where they subsequently return to
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Feed me! |
On returning these four
chicks to their snug nest and stepping carefully away to a safe distance, we
watch as both parent birds call with a soft ‘tlewee’ to each other, beaks full
of recently foraged insects, before swooping in back to the nest. We turn to
leave, happy birds, happy chicks, happy people.
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